4 meaningful ways to support employee wellbeing

Key takeaways
Supporting employee wellbeing in a meaningful way is more important than ever.
How do you support your employees’ wellbeing? A few years ago, you may have answered with healthy snacks or gym membership discounts. But the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing financial recession brought to the forefront physical, mental, and financial concerns—and the bar for workplace wellness programs is set higher.
As employers fight to find and keep good workers in today’s employee market, supporting employee wellbeing in a meaningful way is more important than ever.
What wellness program features do your employees want?The best way to know what your employees want from your wellness program is to simply ask! Survey your employees anonymously and let them tell you what they’d like to see. Once you get the results, it’s important to follow through on what your employees tell you. According to one survey, 73% of employees say benefits are the #1 reason they would stay with an employer — so deliver on your promises!
4 trending wellness program featuresAs you survey your employees on what wellness program features they’d like to see at work, here are four trending options you may want to consider:
1. Work-from-home optionsAllowing employees to work from home is an in-demand wellness benefit. Working from home allows employees to sleep in a little longer and avoid the stressful rush-hour commute. Throughout the workday—in addition to doing their jobs—employees can see their loved ones, take the dog for a walk, throw in a load of laundry, and make time for healthier meals. And remote work could benefit your company, too: According to one study, 74% of workers agree that remote work opportunities make them less likely to leave a company.
2. Mental health daysEveryone needs a day now and then to disconnect from work and recharge, and mental health days give employees the opportunity to take a mental break from work when they need it. Allocate a couple days a year for employees to take off—with no questions asked. Employees can use their free time to take care of themselves and address concerns related to their mental well-being. By offering this dedicated time off, employees can reset and avoid burnout and stress.
3. Financial wellness coachingFinancial education programs empower employees to convert their hard work into financial well-being. By partnering with financial consultants who visit your workplace, employees can learn about budgeting, saving, investing and managing debt—so they can be better equipped to improve their financial wellness. According to one study, two out of three Gen Z employees believe employers have a responsibility to help improve or maintain their employees’ financial wellness, so this is a great wellness program feature if you’re hoping to reach this youngest generation of workers.
4. Supplemental health insuranceWhen COVID-19 hit, employees became more aware of their health insurance coverage—including its shortcomings. Supplemental health insurance can help you fill the gaps left by the core benefits your employees may receive. These benefits help employees seek the care they need, when they need it, while protecting them from out-of-pocket costs. Supplemental health insurance pays cash benefits directly to employees in the event of critical illness, injury or hospitalization. Employees can use cash benefits for any purpose, including medical bills and everyday living expenses. This financial protection comes at an affordable price. Premiums for supplemental insurance typically cost just dollars a paycheck, and can be paid via flexible funding options.
1Handshake, 6 Things Gen Z wants from their next job, https://joinhandshake.com/blog/employers/6-things-gen-z-wants-from-their-job/, 2022
2Forbes, Why 2022 is the Year of Workplace Culture, https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinecastrillon/2021/12/29/why-2022-is-the-year-of-workplace-culture/?sh=1f0cde7a1bbb, December 2021.
3Zippia, 25 Trending Remote Work Statistics, https://www.zippia.com/advice/remote-work-statistics/, October 2022.
4TIAA, TIAA 2022 Financial Wellness Survey, https://www.tiaa.org/public/pdf/2022_financial_wellness_survey_final_results.pdf, 2022, slide 12.